A year-long exhibition program at House of Foundation
Collaborative, ever-evolving, experimental
I find myself simultaneously drawn to and repelled by the sheer quantity of man-made objects in this world
2022I saw you earlier today. You stuck out from everyone else. You were walking so slow I knew you had to be either a tourist or an artist.
2012 – presentThe moment language disappears. On the tip of one's tongue. Variations on a theme.
2017Four interconnected publications meditating on the link between personal and political.
2018A tragicomic take on learning a new language as a creative, non-white immigrant.
2017From behind a gallery desk in NYC to a forest in Norway, bow in arrow in tow. Scandinavian art school.
2014One year of zines, one each month in a total edition of 365. Published by NSEW Press.